Tag Archives: sewing a gi

Gi Pattern for Kids


This weeks free pattern offering is a Gi pattern for boys and girls.  This past Halloween both of my kids wanted to be Jedi.  If they want it, it must become so.  I’m a terrible sucker for making them costumes.

Jedi Costume

My seven year old paduwan!

One of the fundamentals of this costume is basically a Karate Gi.   Having spent years of my life wearing one, I decided this would be a very easy pattern to accomplish.  Today’s free pattern is a boys and girls GI sizes 7, 8, 10, 12, and 14.  Pants, and toddler sizes are on the way.

This does not include the “armor” pieces or the cloak.   I will include those later on and do a tutorial on how to put this costume together.  Both my kids were completely in love with it.  They wanted to sleep with them and wear them on errands.

Let me know if you have any questions!